56 Monate Musik zürich

Petra Ronner – 56 Monate

For me the place on this planet is no matter. Of course, at the beginning of war and two years before war, I was thinking that the best place on our planet is Ukraine. I wanted to create my own life in Ukraine. But after the beginning of war, I was starting to think: will Ukraine be safe place in the future for my kids? Because we know about polluting, about that we can’t go to forest anymore, for example, we can’t swim in black sea. So, we can’t do usual things, and how to live in this country for the nearest future?! So, of course, I believe in the best. And a lot of my friends (…) said, after several years they will come to Ukraine and rebuild Ukraine. But, of course, I want to believe in this, and I will help, but I don’t know, I don’t have a lot of hope. So, I am trying to live in reality, in this day. I am alife, my kids healthy, I have what to eat and I have where to live, and that is all, that is maximum for today. But for future, I don’t know. I’m happy with any future.

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