7 Minuten basel Bildende Kunst

Regina Simon – Olga Marchenko – 7 Minuten

Question :

If the Ukraine War had no content but only a form,

what form would the war have after 7 min ?


In your perception, which animal represents the first 7 minutes ?


Do you know a symbol for the term “war room”

and find form after experienced it for 7 minutes ?

14 Tage basel Bildende Kunst

Regina Simon – Olga Marchenko – 14 Tage


If the Ukraine War had no content but only a form,

what form would the war have after 14 days ?


In your perception, which animal represents the first 14 days ?


Do you know a symbol for the term “war room”and find form after experienced it for 14 days ?

War-room 2

28 Wochen basel Bildende Kunst

Regina Simon – Olga Marchenko – 28 Wochen

If the Ukraine War had no content but only a form,

what form would the war have after 28 weeks ?

In your perception, which animal represents the first 28 weeks ?

Do you know a symbol for the term “war room”and find form after experienced it for 28 weeks ?

56 Wochen basel Bildende Kunst

Regina Simon – Olga Marchenko – 56 Wochen

If the Ukraine War had no content but only a form, what form would the war have after 56 weeks?

In your perception, which animal represents the first 56 weeks ?

Do you know a symbol for the term “war room”and find form after experienced it for 56 weeks ?

56 Monate basel Bildende Kunst

Regina Simon – Olga Marchenko – 56 Monate


If the Ukraine War had no content but only a form, what form would the war have after 56 months?

The 5 period spectrum

transformation for the next question.

In your perception, which animal represents the first 56 months ?

all animals representating this following periods of time > 7min >14days >28weeks >56week >56months.

which animal represents the 5 following periods?


Do you know a symbol for the term “war room”and find form after experienced it for 56 months ?

video – WAR-ROOM-5

2 audios concerning the question of integration in CH

basel Mann & Frau im Krieg

Regina Simon – Olga Marchenko – Mann und Frau im Krieg

2023 Projekt WAR 7min….._Mann und Frau im Krieg-1

2023 Projekt WAR 7min….._Mann und Frau im Krieg-2

2023 Projekt WAR 7min….._Mann und Frau im Krieg-3

2023 Projekt WAR 7min….._Mann und Frau im Krieg-4
basel Utopia

Regina Simon – Olga Marchenko – UTOPIA

Wir freuten uns an den industriellen Metalausschnitten, die wie verloren im Gleisgelände des Industrieareals auf uns warteten. Ausser der Idee der utopischen Rekonstruktion der Ukraine sah Olga schon vor Ort die Möglichkeit aus diesen Metallstücken Schmuck zu kreieren. Schmuck, deren Erlös an ukrainische Hilfswerke gespendet würde.