Illya Kirzhner – Lisa Zarechnaya


Lisa Zarechnaya

I was born in the city of Dnipro at the beginning of the 21st century.

My parents are architects, so from childhood they told me about art. Especially, in my family they like to arrange evening screenings of films with discussion.

When I was 4 years old, I was sent to dance because I was too restless. Already at the age of 5, I independently (that is, accompanied by my teacher) went to a competition abroad with a solo number with an Indian theme (we will assume that this became one of the reasons for my interest in Buddhism in the future).

I started writing my first poems at the age of seven, this contributed to the fact that the teachers found in me a messenger for regional literary contests and talent contests.

Later, when it became clear that I was too artistic, the family decided to send me to a music school. The result of this training was the five first places in bandura playing competitions and the understanding that I want to do something that has music in it, and of course the song is based on my poems, with which I conquered the hearts of the jury.

At the same time, I played in the theater, studied editing and interviewed in a children’s theater and in a film and television studio. At the age of 11, I first decided to apply the accumulated knowledge to shoot a short film with friends.

Later, I returned to dancing again, but in a more modern way. This period coincided with my first love, which contributed to my writing three volumes of strange, but still sweet poems about my emotions.

At that time, I also became interested in photography and took courses at the Green Square school. I was no less interested in drawing, so before the start of the full-scale invasion, I fruitfully studied graphics and painting.

During the war in Ukraine, I decided to take part in a volunteer project to collect information about art objects created as a reflection of this conflict. This activity contributed to my interest in the development of Ukrainian culture and cinematography.

Lisa Zarechnaya


Illya Kirzhner, Projektkurator, Autor und Performance-Künstler in Basel (Verein Traumwelt 360°)

Geboren in der Ukraine 1982, jüdische Wurzeln, wohnte von 1998 bis 2010 in Deutschland (Magdeburg, Dortmund, Berlin), seit 2010 in der Schweiz (Zürich, Biel, Nidau, Basel). 

Illya ist freischaffender Autor, Performer, Coach und Dolmetscher. Er studierte an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Kulturwissenschaften, Kunstgeschichte und Philosophie (MA, 2012), war mehrere Jahre Übersetzer und Lebensberater und ab 2013 an Performances in Zürich, Biel, Berlin, Basel und Zagreb beteiligt. 

2018 BA-Abschluss Literarisches Schreiben am Schweizerischen Literaturinstitut in Biel/Bienne (Hochschule der Künste Bern). Seine Texte wurden im Radio auf SWR 2 ausgestrahlt. 

Illya Kirzhner ist seit 2020 Doktorand und war wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Fachbereich Literaturwissenschaften am Zentrum für Jüdische Studien an der Universität Basel, seit 2022 interkulturelle Dolmetscher bei HEKS Linguadukt (Ukrainisch und Russisch), Staatssekretariat für Migration und anderen Behörden. 

Im sozio-kulturellen Kunstprojekt „WAR! 7 minutes > 14 days > 28 weeks > 56 weeks, 56 months >“ möchte Illya untersuchen, wie existenzielle Bedrohungen, Krieg und Not auf seine Landsleute einwirken, welche Spuren sie hinterlassen und wie sie Menschen langfristig verändern.